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I asked ChatGPT to write a warning letter from our Dog to our Cats. This is what I received:

Dear Leo and Laz, This is Ines, the dog of the house, and I am writing to you today to give you a warning about your behavior. I have noticed that you have been sneaking around the house lately and causing trouble, and I am not happy about it. As you know, this house is not just your territory - it's mine too. I have the right to move around freely without being bothered by you two. I am tired of constantly having to watch my back for fear of being pounced on by you. I understand that we have our differences, but I believe we can coexist peacefully as long as you show me the respect that I deserve. Please stop stalking me and trying to pick fights, or else I will have to take action to protect myself. I hope that you take this warning seriously and make an effort to improve our relationship. Let's work together to make this house a harmonious and happy place for all of us. Sincerely, Ines the Dog

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